One which may be having adverse effects on the structure of the brain. It is imperative that we become aware of the signs and changes in our thinking and behaviours to mitigate potential concerns, before irreversible damage is done. These changes become even more critical in our children. Science is proving that the result of… read more >
Are video games just that, games? Are online games, like Fortnite, ‘just kids having fun’? Is the World Health Organisation being dramatic declaring video gaming as a mental health disorder in June 2018? And can we afford to dismiss this compulsion to game on-line as ‘just a phase’? On the eve of 60 Minutes going… read more >
On 8th November 2018 I will be sharing my latest research on neuroscience and its affects on learning and well being in my new program “The Impact of Devices, Distractions & Diet in the Classroom”. I will be conducting this full day program for Independent Schools Victoria for interested educators and other professionals. The night before,… read more >
On 60 Minutes on September 2 I was interviewed about what is really happening in the minds of our children who are addicted to gaming. This topic is of critical importance in so many homes across the globe. Congratulations to 60 MINUTES for their highly professional efforts to bring gravity to what is sometimes termed, ‘the silent… read more >
We are living in an environment of unprecedented technological and cultural change compounded by soaring multimedia use and rapid transfer of information. Living in the digital age, we don’t yet know the long term impacts of high screen usage. But we do know the short term impacts. Many of these affect families globally with the… read more >
Did you know PowerPoint has two capital P’s for a reason? They stand for ‘Perfect Preparation’ for a potent, powerful presentation. We have all sat through what may feel like a lifetime of laborious PowerPoint presentations often wishing we were somewhere else. Attention wanes within the first few minutes. We are already happily distracted, perhaps… read more >
A Neuroscience Perspective on Giving Presentations. Knowing even a little about the brain will help your presentations, even if you are scared. And that, by the way, is perfectly natural. The brain loves a challenge. The brain loves novel and new experiences. The brain loves social interaction, especially face to face. So, based on these… read more >
The current oil price situation is not a new phenomenon for the oil and gas industry. We know that. Yet, one of our primary challenges lies in how we think in tough times. It is that which will make the difference. Thinking short term is seldom a good option. Regarding problems without seeing opportunity is… read more >
Do presentation skills still matter for engineers and technical brains? Evidently so. Recently, one of the world’s largest petroleum companies, Saudi Aramco was on a quest for new talent and this time they decided to try a unique strategy for Aramco. In fact, in order to drill for this new talent within their own vast… read more >
Are you aware we are living in a data-rich yet attention-impoverished world that is affecting our lives, especially our brains? We need to be judicious about the interruptions we allow and how we deal with them. Studies show workers are interrupted every 11 minutes, 44% of workers interrupt themselves and we deal with interruptions immediately… read more >