10 tell-tale signs that you child may benefit from a tutor. Circumstances change in every home and with every child, whether that child would benefit from some support academically or whether that child is gifted and would benefit from being extended and further challenged. Are we paying attention to the signs that may indicate a… read more >
Brain Whisper Tip #4. How to answer sensitive questions. This is more complex than it may first appear. School principal, Andrew Oberthur, reminds us of the analogy, “We are flying the plane as we build it”. You as a parent are creating a new normal on a daily/hourly basis. This Brain Whisper Tip is to… read more >
A pushy newcomer by the name of ‘HomeSchooling’ has thrust its way to the top of your To Do List – where do you start? Our world today creates a milestone in this generation’s academic career – the first time children in Australia have been faced with school closures due to health concerns relating to… read more >
A report out of the UK shows betting is being normalised through gaming. Radio 6PR’s Karl O’Callaghan spoke to Jill about his own experience with his kids playing games such as Fortnite and Black Ops. She posed the question, “how long do you want your children immersed in violence?”
We are living in a giant uncontrolled experiment with a generation of Australian children growing up exposed to an addictive technology. This article first appeared in the Daily Telegraph.
As a parent, it is often hard to have the degree of contact and the type of relationship that one may wish to enhance your child’s potential in any given class. Equally, as a teacher, it is frequently difficult to have the opportunity and the level of engagement with a parent to make a difference… read more >
Are you aware we are living in a data-rich yet attention-impoverished world that is affecting our lives, especially our brains? We need to be judicious about the interruptions we allow and how we deal with them. Studies show workers are interrupted every 11 minutes, 44% of workers interrupt themselves and we deal with interruptions immediately… read more >