84% of teachers have dealt with offensive or aggressive behaviour – ABC Radio interview


84% of teachers have dealt with offensive or aggressive behaviour – ABC Radio interview

ABC Radio Hobart

New research is showing that 84% of teachers have dealt with offensive or aggressive behaviour from children and parents. Jill Sweatman discusses the impact of parental anger towards their teacher on their children, and shares her top strategies for speaking with teachers about hot topics with Lucy Breaden on ABC Radio Hobart. Jill Sweatman –…   read more >

Kids addicted to screens – ABC Radio interview

ABC Radio Hobart

Jill Sweatman discusses how excessive exposures to screens is impacting the learning ability of children and the need for parents to restrict access to this technology with Lucy Breaden for ABC Hobart Drive. Jill Sweatman – The Brain Whisperer · Kids addicted to screens – ABC Radio interview

Are we making the right choices?

In conversation with Suzi Petrozzi on her Empowered Conversations podcast, about research, real-life experiences and recommendations when it comes to children and technology. We speak to the question: What choices are we making for our children today when it comes to technology and what can we as parents or carers do to ensure that our…   read more >

Could video games be adding to the problem?

You wouldn’t let your child smoke cigarettes if they were younger than eighteen-years-old, so why would you let them play video games that are R18+ restricted? Jill joins 6PR’s Karl Callaghan to talk about some concerns in research results from the UK and what that could mean for us here in Australia.

What’s Possible with Tech-Free Parenting?

Jill Sweatman shares a story about a parent who is reaping the rewards of limiting their child’s technology.

Solutions for Technically Peer-Pressured Parents

Jill Sweatman offers solutions for parents feeling the pressure to submit to technology trends.  

Challenges that Educators have today

Jill Sweatman discusses how Educators are challenged by childrens use of technology, and how one school tops the results every year maintaining a ban on student devices.    

The Traps of Being a Lawnmower Parent

The Helicopter Parents have landed. What are the traps of being a Lawnmower Parent?    

Solutions for Redefining Resilience

Jill offers concrete solutions for helping children to become resilient to the distraction presented by technology.

Daddy look in my eyes—Being present

Jill discusses how children let their parents know to be present with them.