Did you know PowerPoint has two capital P’s for a reason? They stand for ‘Perfect Preparation’ for a potent, powerful presentation. We have all sat through what may feel like a lifetime of laborious PowerPoint presentations often wishing we were somewhere else. Attention wanes within the first few minutes. We are already happily distracted, perhaps… read more >
A Neuroscience Perspective on Giving Presentations. Knowing even a little about the brain will help your presentations, even if you are scared. And that, by the way, is perfectly natural. The brain loves a challenge. The brain loves novel and new experiences. The brain loves social interaction, especially face to face. So, based on these… read more >
Do presentation skills still matter for engineers and technical brains? Evidently so. Recently, one of the world’s largest petroleum companies, Saudi Aramco was on a quest for new talent and this time they decided to try a unique strategy for Aramco. In fact, in order to drill for this new talent within their own vast… read more >