What happens to your brain when you present to an audience?

What happens to your brain when you present to an audience?

A Neuroscience Perspective on Giving Presentations.

Knowing even a little about the brain will help your presentations, even if you are scared. And that, by the way, is perfectly natural.

  • The brain loves a challenge.
  • The brain loves novel and new experiences.
  • The brain loves social interaction, especially face to face.

So, based on these three facts, would you be willing to consider that with each presentation, you are in fact getting smarter? Smarter – just by being willing to give it a go and trying to improve each time. Part of that reward is expanding your comfort zone so you will forever be richer and wiser for the experience.

Memorable presenters are not born. Memorable presenters are made.

Memorable presenters are committed to honing their skill.

That is good news for each of us.

It is teachable. It is learnable.

You don’t have to be regarded as a seasoned orator, always at the ready with an insightful and articulate response or witty quip in any situation. Yet you may wish to have afforded yourself sufficient practice that when the occasion is important and you are called upon, you can carry yourself and present in a professional manner.

Take the opportunity to excite and spike your intellect.

Trust your neurons to come alive in a world fast becoming impoverished of the delight of experiencing the beauty of language delivered in a creative, enticing way.

Your 30-day challenge

  • So, put a couple of drops of high grade gasoline in your cognitive tank.
  • Step out on the tarmac and be prepared to put some skin in the game by giving a presentation doing something more than you intended in the delivery.
  • Continually move out of your comfort zone by doing one thing every day that makes you feel slightly, or moderately, uncomfortable. That, alone, builds brain cells.

Plus, don’t be at all surprised when you become a front runner in your own career by participating in the contest of wonderful communication. Keep building those new pathways in your brain and be prepared to reap the rewards.

Carpe Diem.

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